Part 1-B: Demon Possession Defined and Explained -- Continued

Attention: J. F. Cogan
Box 2211 -- Harrisburg, PA 17105 USA

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Continued from Part 1-A: Demon Possession Defined and Explained

10. Demonic Time-Sharing
Back in the days when Jesus walked the earth and evicted a legion [6,000] demons out of one man, the world population was a fraction of what it is today. In fact, population experts believe the number of people alive today exceeds all the people who have died since the dawn of creation. Let's assume that the number of demons is fixed and that number is the same today as it was when Adam and Eve walked in the Garden of Eden. This means that demons today have to cover more territory -- in terms of human beings -- than at any time in the history of the human race. One way demons can accomplish this feat is through what computer experts refer to as time-sharing. In the computer world, a large main-frame computer can be used by many people at the same time, without those users even knowing about the existence of each other. When telephone lines are used, people from all over the world can access the same computer simultaneously. The computer works with each user in turn and does so with such speed that each simultaneous user has the illusion of being the only person logged on at that time. The Internet uses a form of time-sharing. It may not be as fast as you would like, but it's time sharing.

Demons may work the same way. Although they are not omnipresent in the same sense as God is everywhere at the same time, apparently they can move from point to point at very high speeds. Assuming that their minimum speed of travel is the speed of electricity, 186,000 miles per second, a single demon can trouble a large number of people in the course of a few minutes. This is like a computer is able to work with a large number of customers, through time-sharing.

The concept of time-sharing explains how a person can be a murderer or child molester one moment and the next moment, may appear calm, rational, and even brilliant. Demons may zap in out of victims at the speed of light, sometimes staying for just a few seconds at a time. The rest of the time, a victim can appear normal by social standards.

The unnatural power of persuasion coupled with the intermittent nature of the possession enables the primary victim to lie with a straight face. This makes it extremely difficult for anyone to believe that what appears to be a fine, upstanding citizen such as a teacher, minister, lawyer, doctor, boy scout leader, nationally-known televangelist, or major politician could ever be guilty as accused. This ability to lie with total conviction makes identification of such demon-possessed persons extremely difficult by such groups as school boards, church boards, bar associations, medical societies, legislative bodies, and juries.

Sometimes the charges are comparatively minor, such as sexual harassment, soliciting a prostitute, or shoplifting. However, in other cases, the charges may be far from minor, such as violent sexual assault or murder. Whether the charges are minor or major, what makes a person risk a prominent career for no good reason at all? The answer may well be intermittent demon possession on a time-share basis.

The concept of demonic time-sharing is illustrated in ABC's mini-series of Stephen King's "The Stand" as aired the week of May 7, 1994. In this dramatic portrayal, the character of demon-possessed Randall Flagg, as played by Jamey Sheridan, is seen as a suave, persuasive, personable individual much of the time. However, when Flagg is aroused by rage or lust, his handsome face dissolves into the visage of a horrible demon, with behavior to match. In an interview with "TV Guide" that week, King said, "Flagg, Koresh, Jim Jones, Hitler -- they're all basically the same guy."

This is just one more example of how the entertainment world has a much better grasp of the concept of demon possession than do most people in the evangelical church world.

11. Demon Possession and the Occult
The term occult means "hidden" and, in a spiritual context, relates to Satan worship. Occult practices are associated with specific symbols and paraphernalia. The symbols include such things as the five-pointed star and the goat's head. Occult paraphernalia includes candles and blood. The blood is usually animal but can be human. The star, or pentagram, is often drawn on the floor with burning candles set at each point.

Not all demon-possessed persons are consciously involved with Satan worship. However, all persons who make a point of worshipping Satan are eventually demon possessed. Both Christians and Satan worshipers begin their services with an invocation. The term "invocation" comes from the Latin words which mean to call in, or voice in: vox means voice and the meaning of in is obvious. The occult invocation involves calling Satan to come into the presence of the worshipers, just as Christians pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit when they worship. Demons heed the Satanic invocation and come in droves to enter the occult worshipers.

Persons who have become demon possessed through occult practices and Satan worship have the same hope of a solution as any other demon possessed person. Unfortunately, many experts in occult practices, especially in the criminal justice and education fields, have no real understanding of demon possession and its Biblical solution as described in Part 3.

12 If Demons Are the Problem, What Is the Solution?
Go to Part 3 of this booklet for a full description of a spiritual process for being delivered from demon possession.

Part 2-A: Causes And Effects Of Demon Possession is next.

Attention: J. F. Cogan
Box 2211 -- Harrisburg, PA 17105 USA

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Home Page
How to Get More Information
Table of Contents
Part 1-A: Defined and Explained
Part 2-A: Causes and Effects
Part 2-B: Causes and Effects -- Continued
Part 3: The Solution to Demon Possession
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms in Demon Handbook
Appendix B: Glossary of Evangelical Terms in General
Appendix C: Ted Bundy's Execution-Eve Interview
Appendix D: Summary of Bible Reference Links
A Special Message for Gays and Lesbians

Attention: J. F. Cogan
Box 2211 -- Harrisburg, PA 17105 USA

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